Monthly Archives: August 2015



Adv Dr. Abdulqadir Tallman

Dear Farah Hasan Amalo,

You have made a good diagnosis: injustice and clanism are what are consuming the Somali body politic. I would add, poisonous interference of the ‘international community.

Now that, with your help, we have identified the disease(s), what is the next logical step?
I think it is to treat the patient.

Do you think the Kenyan, Ethiopian soldiers in Somalia are the right drugs to cure this (Somali)
patient? Personally, I think those aren’t the right drugs. Rather,they are meant to poison the patient.

That is why I am calling for the withdrawal from Somalia of troops from both Kenya and Ethiopia. Bring Egyptian, Moroccan, Algerian, Indian, Chinese, American, Nepalese, Brazilian, Australian troops. In short, bring troops from every country in the world, with the exception of Kenya and Ethiopia.

Why is the International Community’ not interested in such suggestions? I think it is because the ‘international community’ is not trying to heal Somalia, but to ‘waterboard’ it till Somalis accept Kenya and Ethiopia rule. Read the rest of this entry

Constitutional Democracy

Constitutional Democracy

Constitutional Democracy

Constitutional Democracy 

Freedom For Right – Sunday, August 16, 2015

Since the end of World War Two and the beginning of the Cold War, the West sought to advance democracy and political liberalization around the world. The danger of bipolar world politics led by NATO alliance and WARSAW camp in the east brought the inception of atomic fission and gave birth to the Atomic bomb. The two alliances were highly cognizant of the fact that neither would win any war, but would lead mankind to an unprecedented calamity, more disastrous then World War Two, by harnessing nuclear fission.

The unflinching mood of the Cold War from both camps exhausted the member states economically, politically and socially by the sheer military readiness coupled with spiral economic downturn. First, in 1990 the WARSAW camp cracked as the result of political and economic pressure. This led to complete collapse after perestroika failed to yield economic and political progress to what used to be called the U.S.S.R. The consumerism culture, democracy, and political openness in the West finally triumphed and a new dawn set where the Western hegemonies prevailed over the rest of the world.

Democracy does not exclude but values political inclusion. Large numbers of societies are willingly participating in political and economic growth. It has an appetite for any political recipe; it borrows alien ideas to strengthen and thrives, instead of waiting for internal decay to lead its demise. Social scientists around the world extol the virtue of democratic societies for their eagerness to adapt and incorporate the social changes. A constant discourse among civic societies in a democratic arena would allow and strengthen economic expansion and political tolerance. Tyranny and authoritarian regimes would not last and cannot endure social pressure, which is inevitable. Thus, Democracy marches forward to the endless periphery of the world, except to the Muslin nations where it has been unable to bear fruit.
Why are Muslin nations failing to adapt to social changes, or are their societies immune to change? This is a puzzling question and might first lead one to reflect on the current situation of Muslim Ummah. There has been growing insecurity and lack of stability in Muslim societies from Timbuktu to Kuala Lumpur. Societies in the Muslin nations suffer with poverty, and are deprived the right to live with dignity. They turned to religious fanaticism seeking comfort and peace in exchange. It has been well known through human history, religious teaching has significantly contributed to the well being of a society; this teaching has never been remote from human life. However, human affairs are broader and a particular precision to resolve its controversies has been farfetched. Read the rest of this entry

Multilayered District Based Representative Election in Somalia: The Strategies and Viable Options for the Election in 2016.

Multilayered District Based Representative Election in Somalia: The Strategies and Viable Options for the Election in 2016.

Multilayered District Based Representative Election in Somalia: The Strategies and Viable Options for the Election in 2016.

Abstract :This article proposes multilayered representative electoral system where district constituency assembly (DCA) comprising of different social groups from each district are registered as voters for the election of district councilors, members of parliament at sub-national assemblies, national federal level, senate and president of the republic.

The article recognizes the importance of pre-election civic education and peaceful mobilization that foster national consciousness through which the National Independent Electoral Commission (NIEC) play key role in its materialization. Furthermore, the article emphasizes the significance of ending the term of the federal government while reestablishing national consistency; cooperation and compromise by organizing and holding district based representative election that take place once in all the districts in Somalia. Read the rest of this entry

Dimuqraadiyaddu waa oraah qalaad, ka kooban laba eray oo macnaheeda lagu soo koobo in shacabku leeyahay awooda is xukunka

imageDimuqraadiyaddu waa oraah qalaad, ka kooban laba eray oo macnaheeda lagu soo koobo in shacabku leeyahay awooda is xukunka

 Moment Media Ethics – Dimuqraadiyaddu waa oraah qalaad, ka kooban laba eray oo macnaheeda lagu soo koobo in shacabku leeyahay awooda is xukunka, ama si kale haddaan u dhigo markii la tartamo qoladii ku guulaysata 51% in ay qaataan awooda maamulka iyo go’aan samaynta, inta kalena yihiin raaciyad.

Oday horjooge u ahaa degsiimadiisa ayaa xukun ku riday qofka lo’diisu daaqdo beer cid kale leedahay inuu buuxiyo ul joogeed oo miro ah. Maalin dambe ayaa lo’diisu daaqday beer qof kale lahaa, markaasuu amray in usha la jiifiyo, sidaas ayuuna ku baxay halqabsiga “la jiifiyaana bannaan”. Read the rest of this entry